
Showing posts from May, 2016

Health Update

I haven't posted in awhile. Just an update on my health. I had a scare a week ago. I thought I was going back in the hospital, again. My GI Dr sent me to the hospital to get an abdominal x-ray and blood work. I was experiencing nausea, but no pain for 5 days. Her attitude, I didn't like at all. When I told her about it, her voice got higher and she said to me "I don't know what's wrong with you, I really don't." I feel I can't ask her a question without her raising her voice. I'm looking for another GI Dr., even if I have to travel to Rhode Island!!!  Both tests came out fine. She did prescribe me two different anti-bacterial meds. They worked. Evidently, I have had a lot of bacterial build up in my abdomen. Regarding my A-Fib. I was having more palpitations for a solid week. One Sat., it was all day and I was getting scared that I was going to have a stroke, even on the heart/blood thinner meds. My Primary Care Dr...