Health Update

I haven't posted in awhile. Just an update on my health. I had a scare a week ago. I thought I was going back in the hospital, again. My GI Dr sent me to the hospital to get an abdominal x-ray and blood work. I was experiencing nausea, but no pain for 5 days. Her attitude, I didn't like at all. When I told her about it, her voice got higher and she said to me "I don't know what's wrong with you, I really don't." I feel I can't ask her a question without her raising her voice. I'm looking for another GI Dr., even if I have to travel to Rhode Island!!!  Both tests came out fine.

She did prescribe me two different anti-bacterial meds. They worked. Evidently, I have had a lot of bacterial build up in my abdomen.

Regarding my A-Fib. I was having more palpitations for a solid week. One Sat., it was all day and I was getting scared that I was going to have a stroke, even on the heart/blood thinner meds. My Primary Care Dr. increased the heart regulator med Diltiazam from 180 mg to 248 mg. It worked!!!! No more palpitations. So, I'm going to LIVE!!!!!!!!

My Husband is recovery very well with his knee replacement. He probably won't go back to work until mid July.

I have 3 WIP's going on. Two I should have finished soon.


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