
Showing posts from January, 2016


My Sophie girl turned 7 months old on Wednesday.  She is growing like a weed and a freshy.  She gets into everything and attacks the other cats.  It's been over 15 yrs since I had a kitten.  I love her so much.  She keeps the house lively!!  Helps me take pictures of my yarn!  Helps me fold laundry. Is this for me?

This is ME!!!!

The top picture is the back and bottom is the front.  I purchased it on:   This shirt was a limited edition, but the have some other nice ones. 

Ardent Shawl

I have no clue what yarn this is. I lost the tag.  This was a nice pattern to knit and I love the yarn. This is a paid pattern.  The designer has a lot of really nice shawl patterns.

Potential Snowstorm

Weathermen are keeping a close eye on a big snow storm coming to the Southeast.  That means us.  We are due for one.  I can't wait.  As long as I have cats and yarn, I'm all set!!!

Bella Shawl

This is a great pattern.  I enjoyed knitting it,  I used  dellascrochetcottage yarn in color Almost Hidden. The top picture is the true color.

Herald Shawl

This took awhile to knit.  It is big.  I used Malabrigo Mechita in Teal Feather.  It's a beautiful color.  This is a paid pattern of $6.56.

Reyna Shawl

I did do some knitting before Christmas. I used Colinette Jitterbug in Heaven's Above.  I loved the way it turned out.  It's one of my favorite shawls.  It is a free download.  

Cute Tape Measures

There is a lady that does the cutest tape measures.  She has a shop on Etsy. If you know any sewers, knitters, and whoever uses a tape measure, these make great gifts. The pictures are front and back. 

Adult Coloring Books

These are a big rage, right now.  A lot of people in my Facebook Knitting Groups bought some. When my knitting doesn't work out, I color!!  It helps relax me. This is a knitting book, that I bought on Amazon, and a few pages of what's in it..  Amazon has a lot of Coloring books.

Belated Christmas Wishes

Here it is, Jan 13th.  I hope everyone had a good Christmas.  We did.  My presents were Cat Themed!!!  My Husband got enough books for 6 months, anyway!  He will be going in the hospital for Knee Replacement, again, April 11th.  He had his left one done last Feb 11th. Now, his right one  is getting replaced.  Six weeks out of work.  He's supposed to retire in Dec.  We'll see. Anyway, I thought I'd show you some of my gifts. I have a lot of Cat t-shirts.  This website is the best.                            This is my favorite ALL these were purchased on