My Hiatus
I've had a long knitting block!!! Now, I'm back in the groove, again. It must be that Winter is coming!!!
The Summer came and went, in a hurry. I turned another year older. My Husband turns another year older, tomorrow!
My Summer was consumed with my oldest Daughter and her problems. She had a heart attack. When she went to our local hospital, she was told she was fine. Fifteen minutes later, she had the heart attack. The ER Dr. had her rushed to a Rhode Island hospital. She was rushed into surgery and had a stint put in.
After she got out, she had to quit her job, because it was too strenuous. In order to pay the rent, she went to different agencies. We gave her money and food. My Husband fixed her car, because it didn't pass inspection. Meanwhile, my Granddaughter, who decided to drop out of school just before graduation, wouldn't go out and get a job to help out. They were on the verge of being homeless. My Husband talked to the both of them about the reality" of being homeless and GD not helping her Mother. My Daughter got a job and GD, didn't.
We gave up and let them fend for themselves. Everytime we turned around, we were giving her money, even when I told her there was no more and her problems were breaking us. We told her, we weren't helping anymore. No enabling them.
So, now, I'm back to knitting.
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