RIP Cody
It's been awhile. The months are going by fast.
After losing our cat Harrison, our cat Cody had to be put down near Thanksgiving. He was going into liver failure.
We had changed our regular cat littler over to the Breeze Cat Litter System. It comes with pellets and pads for urine, you put in a pull out drawer. When he got sick, we took him to the Vets. Vet took blood and x-rays. When he returned with the x-ray, he said he never saw anything like what was in the image. I took a closer look. I was flabbergasted. He had been eating the pellets and the Vet said there had to be 100 or more in his system.
Cody stayed for 3 days, because they had to give him an enema to get the pellets out. I took him home on a Thursday. The Vet wanted to see him back in a week. I got him home and he started eating and drinking, but, that didn't last long. I caught him eating pellets the Saturday before his checkup.
When I brought him back, I told him that Cody was eating pellets. The conclusion was, Cody was dieing and he was developing Jaundice. The vet did offer some medication to slow the process down. I said O.K., got the medicine and took him home.
When my Husband got home from work, I told him that Cody was dieing and that I thought it best to put him down. I thought about it and didn't think the medicine was going to work.
So, that night we said our good byes to him. I called the Vets in the morning and told him what our decision was. You know the rest.
I only had him for three years. He would have been 13 y.o, in May
I miss you already, Cody.
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