
Showing posts from 2016

RIP Harrison

Our Harrison went to Rainbow Bridge, on Tuesday (10/18).  He was 13 yrs and 7 mos. old. I had him when I was a foster Mom.  He got sick two weeks prior, with what the Vet & I thought was a respiratory thing.  He lost some weight, too.  Vet put him on medicine, but, after he finished it, he was still sneezing and had a runny eye. Last Friday, I took him back to Vets, because he looked like he was losing more weight.  I also, told her, I noticed a lump on his forehead and his nostril were puffy.  She took blood and the results were Cancer.  It was devastating.  I wanted to put him down that day, but she recommended putting him on Prednesone, giving him some relief.   It didn't work.  The lump was getting bigger and his nostrils were puffier.  All he did was sleep.  Even though he ate, it wasn't that much. So, Tuesday morning, my Husband & I made the decision to put him down.  It was so sad.  I ...

My Hiatus

I've had a long knitting block!!!  Now, I'm back in the groove, again.  It must be that Winter is coming!!! The Summer came and went, in a hurry.  I turned another year older.  My Husband turns another year older, tomorrow! My Summer was consumed with my oldest Daughter and her problems. She had a heart attack.  When she went to our local hospital, she was told she was fine.  Fifteen minutes later, she had the heart attack.  The ER Dr. had her rushed to a Rhode Island hospital.  She was rushed into surgery and had a stint put in.  After she got out, she had to quit her job, because it was too strenuous.  In order to pay the rent, she went to different agencies.  We gave her money and food.  My Husband fixed her car, because it didn't pass inspection.  Meanwhile, my Granddaughter, who decided to drop out of school just before graduation, wouldn't go out and get a job to help out.  They were on the verge of...


This is me 2 yrs ago.  I was taking knitting class at LYS.  I bought the sweatshirt on

Road Trip To........

WEBS!!!  Since my Husband is home recuperating from surgery, and, I'm feeling much better, I asked him if he would take me there. So, last Wednesday, we went.  It's 2 1/2 hours from our place.  It was worth it.  I've never been there before.  I always shopped online. The store is huge.  I spent 2 hours shopping.  There is so much to see, feel and smell!!!  I love the smell of yarn!! This is my stash:  Malabrigo Sock, Koigu KPPPM, Freia Lace & Dream in Color Jilly in Chili #2 - Manos Marina Lace (the picture doesn't do it justice), Mrs. Crosby Train Case & Madelinetosh Sock I'll  be taking another trip in mid June.

Health Update

I haven't posted in awhile. Just an update on my health. I had a scare a week ago. I thought I was going back in the hospital, again. My GI Dr sent me to the hospital to get an abdominal x-ray and blood work. I was experiencing nausea, but no pain for 5 days. Her attitude, I didn't like at all. When I told her about it, her voice got higher and she said to me "I don't know what's wrong with you, I really don't." I feel I can't ask her a question without her raising her voice. I'm looking for another GI Dr., even if I have to travel to Rhode Island!!!  Both tests came out fine. She did prescribe me two different anti-bacterial meds. They worked. Evidently, I have had a lot of bacterial build up in my abdomen. Regarding my A-Fib. I was having more palpitations for a solid week. One Sat., it was all day and I was getting scared that I was going to have a stroke, even on the heart/blood thinner meds. My Primary Care Dr...

When it rains, it pours!!

April has not been a good month, to us.   Soon after I got out of the hospital on April 15th, the following Thursday, my Daughter was rushed to the hospital.  She had a heart attack at 41 y.o.  Surgeon put in a Stent.  She had a blockage in an artery.  She did get out the next day.   When she was 36 y.o. she had a stroke.  She still has trouble talking.  Monday, my Husband went in for another knee replacement operation.  I took him home today.  He's doing quite well.

Four Months in 2016

This is April. It hasn't been a pleasant month.  I was in the hospital for 10 days, which seemed like a year. I went in with severe stomach pains.  I've had this condition for over a year, but, the tests the GI Dr. did, had not shown anything.  This time, when I went to the ER, I was bloated quite a bit.  I felt like I was having sextuplets!!!! In the ER, the nurse hooked  me up to the machine that shows heart rate, BP & oxygen level.  Well, I knew I had a heart problem, but the Dr.'s never caught the fibrillation, until that morning.  The heart rate was all over the place.  The nurse asked me if I was ever diagnosed with an irregular heart beat.  I said no, but, I knew something was wrong since my 50's. I wore a heart monitor until the day before I was discharged. Now, I know for sure.  I'm on Zaralto ( I can be just like Arnold Palmer, when I grow up!!!) and a heart rate pill.  Life is GRAND!!!!! My stomach pains:...


Someone posted this on my Facebook Page.  I love it.   Mine is:  It's so pretty!!!    

Our Dog

Can't forget her.  Her name is Savannah and she's 7 y.o.  She is our 5th Beagle and first female.  She's a Beagle/Basset Hound mix. She is a shelter rescue.  Whoever had her, trained her very well.  She is a couch potato.  She's, also, the first dog we've had that doesn't like car rides.  She whines, paces back & forth and tries to jump into the front seat and I'm swerving all over the road, to get her to settle down. All in all, she is a nice dog.

My Feline Family

Here are pictures of our 11 cats. I used to be a foster home for cats.  Some of the ones I'm going to show you were once foster.   I enjoyed it.  You get satisfaction caring for them and they love you unconditionally.  I've always had cats in my life.  I'm an independent person, so I had to have independent CATS!!! I've mostly adopted Senior cats, because, they get lost in the shuffle.  Cody-11 y.o. Someone gave this beautiful cat up, because they got a dog.  They, also, had him declawed front and back and let him go outside.  He just became a lap cat with me only. He loves laying on the newly folded clothes. Carmen Miranda-10 y.o. Shelter Rescue Himalayan She's the sweetest cat.  She's very small for a Himalayan.  Maybe she was the runt.  She was one of my foster kitties.  Always wants to be on your lap.  You say no to her, she doesn't care, she jumps up on your lap, anyway. L...

New Yarn Winder

I was in the  market for a new yarn winder.  Some ladies, on one of my facebook knitting groups had suggested the Laci's.  I read a lot of reviews.  They weren't good. Another lady recommended the Stanwood.  I was looking for a larger one.  I read the reviews on this and it got excellent reviews.  So, I bought it. I've wound yarn and I love it.  No noise.  I love the way the caked yarn comes out.  I was using a Royal, but, it was making a lot of noise. I highly recommend it, if you're in the market for a new one.  The Stanwood Company has replacement parts, too.

Coffee Mug

I was on Cafe Press and found this knitting themed coffee mug.  I bought the jumbo size.  The smaller size was too small.

Knitter's Pride-Royale Needle Set

I decided to purchase these.  It's a very nice set and, right now, there are only 4 left.  The price is very reasonable at $88.39 with free shipping, if you have Prime. Knitter's Pride-Royale Interchangeable Needle Set. This Needle Set Will Make A Wonderful Gift For Any Knitter! This Package Contains Nine Pairs Of Interchangeable Needle Tips In Size Us 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10.5 And 11, One 24 Inch Color Coded Cords, Two 32 Inch Color Coded Cords, One 40 Inch Color Coded Cord, Eight End Caps, Four Cord Keys And One Set Of Cord Connectors In One 7-1/4X10- 1/2X1-5/8 Silk Case. Imported.  

More Tape Measures

You never can never have enough of these.    

Cat Bracelets

There's a lady, in England, who makes bracelets.  They come in three or four bangles. Her prices are worth it and shipping is cheap.  It takes about a week to get them. She has a lot in her etsy shop.  it's worth a look!! She has knitting themed bangles, too.  


My Sophie girl turned 7 months old on Wednesday.  She is growing like a weed and a freshy.  She gets into everything and attacks the other cats.  It's been over 15 yrs since I had a kitten.  I love her so much.  She keeps the house lively!!  Helps me take pictures of my yarn!  Helps me fold laundry. Is this for me?

This is ME!!!!

The top picture is the back and bottom is the front.  I purchased it on:   This shirt was a limited edition, but the have some other nice ones. 

Ardent Shawl

I have no clue what yarn this is. I lost the tag.  This was a nice pattern to knit and I love the yarn. This is a paid pattern.  The designer has a lot of really nice shawl patterns.

Potential Snowstorm

Weathermen are keeping a close eye on a big snow storm coming to the Southeast.  That means us.  We are due for one.  I can't wait.  As long as I have cats and yarn, I'm all set!!!

Bella Shawl

This is a great pattern.  I enjoyed knitting it,  I used  dellascrochetcottage yarn in color Almost Hidden. The top picture is the true color.

Herald Shawl

This took awhile to knit.  It is big.  I used Malabrigo Mechita in Teal Feather.  It's a beautiful color.  This is a paid pattern of $6.56.

Reyna Shawl

I did do some knitting before Christmas. I used Colinette Jitterbug in Heaven's Above.  I loved the way it turned out.  It's one of my favorite shawls.  It is a free download.  

Cute Tape Measures

There is a lady that does the cutest tape measures.  She has a shop on Etsy. If you know any sewers, knitters, and whoever uses a tape measure, these make great gifts. The pictures are front and back. 

Adult Coloring Books

These are a big rage, right now.  A lot of people in my Facebook Knitting Groups bought some. When my knitting doesn't work out, I color!!  It helps relax me. This is a knitting book, that I bought on Amazon, and a few pages of what's in it..  Amazon has a lot of Coloring books.